We love packages here at Gothia Towers – whether it’s putting them together or giving them away. Putting together a hotel package or hotel offer in Gothenburg gives us the opportunity to combine everything that we have to offer in the best possible way, thereby providing you with a complete experience.
Whether you are planning a special celebration or looking for a hotel room at a great price, the most comfortable dinner, bed and breakfast accommodation around, a good show or a lively theatre production, we have something suitable for most occasions and much more besides. We vary our offers according to the season, so remember to check back regularly for up-to-date offers and to avoid missing the perfect opportunity for a break away.
We always sell subject to availability Parking, entrance to Liseberg Amusement Park, Universeum Science centre and Gothenburg Pass as an option at the time of booking.
Boka detta paket online:
data-package=”Rockshow” == The system name of the package in back office
data-targetElementId=”package-offer-widget” == The ID of the html-component where to render the widget
data-lang=”en” == Language: “e” or “s” !!mandatory!!
data-startMonth == Starting month of search: integer 1 to 12. Optional. Defaults to current month
data-startYear == Starting year of search in four digits, eg: 2020. Optional. Defaults to current year
data-resultCacheTime == Caching time of result set in minutes
data-tableAvCacheTime == Caching time of Table availability in minutes
data-bookingDomain == Domain to connect to, without https:// eg. booking.gothiatowers.com
data-publishStart == Starting date of offer: YYYY-MM-DD
data-publishEnd == End date of offer: YYYY-MM-DD
data-validWeekDays == Weekdays when offer is valid. Comma separated list where 0=sunday,1=monday etc. eg. 2,3,4 (valid on tuestay to thursday)
data-minPersons == minimum amount of persons, optional eg. 2, default 1
data-maxPersons == maximum amount of persons, optional eg. 6, default 10
data-minLOS == minimum length of stay, optional eg.2
data-hotelCode == OPERA hotelCode, optional
data-promoCode == OPERA promotion code, optional
data-restaurantId == Restaurant id, comma separated list if more than 1.
data-itemInventory == Opera item inventory
data-phase1description == Description text in phase 1 // overrides decriptions from backoffice
data-phase2description == Description text in phase 2
data-phase3description == Description text in phase 3